Restful Burdens and Restful yokes

How does ones yoke and burdens become easy and light? My burden has generally been heavy, yoke been hard, other than times when I intentionally reverted to certain disciplines and perceptions. What are these disciplines and perceptions?

One – whose yoke am I carrying? Many people and various contexts pass on their yokes to me, but as long as I see the yoke as people passed on vs He given or others yoke vs His yoke, I struggle! The surety we have is His yoke is easy and His burden is light. So if I am struggling with the yoke which I have – it is either because I have not seen the right way – whose yoke am I carrying or have not learnt to carry the yoke well! Or may the wrong yoke too....?

So a daily check list – whose yoke am I carrying? Or how do I see the yoke I have taken up – as mine, others dumped it on me or His?

Two – Who Am I learning from, to carry the yoke? The time management principles, personal planning templates, prioritizing matrixes, all are good to help, up to a certain extend. But end of the day, I need to learn from a gentle and humble teacher and mentor than the self-proclaiming and promoting management gurus!

The result will be – from being weary and burdened, one will find rest. Or will be given rest in the midst of the yoke and burden I carry! Restful burden and restful yoke - Oxymoron? Burden and rest together or yoke and rest together. No – that is the beauty of this promise!

But there is a discipline to follow – “Come to me” – so the third issue is – Where do I go regularly for this – to me (my inner abilities) to many me-s’ around or the ME who is ready to give his time and perceptions?


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