Thoughts, Faith, Responses and Risk Taking...

Who touched my clothes – in the midst of a crowd, rushing towards an important appointment – Code Red (used to indicate that a difficult or dangerous situation has deteriorated drastically so as to constitute an emergency) – my daughter is dying, please come fast, and He rushing towards the same, came this question. Rationally thinking friends were quick to respond – what in the world are you thinking – you are being pushed by a crowd, so many are touching you, how can you ask – who touched you….Rationally thinking…..

But this touch was different – she who had suffered in the hands of many like me (physicians), rejected by the rules and regulations of the religion, ostracized by community due to the religious rejection, economically in the margins being squeezed out my friends, this touch was one with great anticipation and hope. She had heard that this physician was different, had faith that definitely something will come out of this touch. It was not the size of her faith, but in whom she had the faith that made the difference….Radical faith….

And this touch was different – because the deep anticipation, desire and faith, has made “Power to go out” of the Master and he knew that this touch was different. Power of love, compassion, healing and restoration had moved out to this touch in the midst of various other touches. He had the ability to sense, discern the touch of anticipation, hope and faith in the midst of multiple other pressing priorities and crowd pushing around…this was not just another patient to be disposed of, but a ….Relational response….leading to restoration.

This interruption was - taking a risk – any delay to respond to Code Red is unacceptable – and the “daughter died”….why bother now. But for Him, even death was not beyond faith, he saw death as sleep, botheration as opportunity, and to quietly do what He was supposed to do and move on (do not let anyone know this)….Risk taking Master….

My thought, my faith, my responses, my risk taking – miles to go before I sleep….


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