Leadership Paradoxes (3) - The Communication Paradox

If vision is what should drive us and people are the ones who have to take forward the vision, then there has to be a way in which this is communicated and people are aligned to the vision.

What is that we have to communicate?  We have to communicate the big picture. May be the institutional or organizational or even the Kingdom vision. And then how the so called vision we have developed fits into the same. At the same time, we have to communicate how the big picture makes sense for the urgent, immediate and the critical. We have communicate how the big picture fits into the 8 to 5 job that each of us do. And how this if not understood can destroy the institution, the team and even the individual. Not an easy task.

What for that we communicate - so that "my vision" becomes and "Shared vision" and also fits into the "kingdom vision". So that we work towards a community who holds this vision together!

But with the paradox of people whom we have with us, how does one communicate. Some will need the abstract big picture talk  - The Why Talk. Some others will need specific put down detailed implementation plan straightaway - keep all the concepts away! - The How Talk. Some will need rational explanation. Some others will need a bit of revelation. There will be others who will need relational communication over time. Some others will need bit of straight talk of consequences of not aligning!

But all will need - the non verbal communication from the leader. That he or she breathes and lives the dream. He or she not only talks but shows in his or her 8 to 20 (Yes - 24 hour job) through the way one works that this vision is worth following. Not only talk but by the daily life values. This is which will get across all, and not verbal communication alone.

Communication which clarifies, cares, corrects and counsels. But with all these there might be some who will never get the message - there might be communication block.

Understanding reasons of communication block is key for those in leadership. On one end of the spectrum it may be just "Language" - the language which one uses might never get across to some others! On the other end it may be deep rooted heart issues -- where one has decided not to allow any communication to enter their receivers. On one hand it might be functional illiteracy, or the other hand our right callous attitudes. Understanding this and responding needs wisdom and discernment.

When Jesus was asked - where does he live - He said "come and see" - His life an open book!. When He needed people - he just said - follow me. And they followed! The integration of his life and teaching attracted people to follow him for the Kingdom vision.

So the paradox is not people vison or communication - but how the one who leads, leads....!


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