Leadership Paradox (4) The Time and Timing

Once the vision is clear, and the people are being worked with and the communication strategy is clear, then it is just a matter of time! But this is the paradox, because time does not move the way we think it should move and timing is many a times different from the way we anticipate things to fall into place. And finding time to lead is yet another challenge.

Let us look at time first – One issue is, if we need to lead we need to have time! If you are a management professional or trained in Western Educational system (Many in India are part of this!)  – you will decide - X% for leading, Y% for managing, Z% for training A% for personal etc. and try to keep time lines. It never works for most of whom I have come across (including me). There will need to be time for the urgent and critical, the important and strategic, the short term and the long term. There will be many things which will need immediate responses and some which will need reflective responses which will take time. All this in the midst of the regular 8 to 5 responsibilities one holds. So how do you find time – or time find you. The other question is – whose time is it any way – yours or others?

Time to lead is matter of perspective. If one is breathing in and living out the dream or vision, every intervention, interaction, engagement will be through the vision perspective. The questions one raises, the communication one does, the decisions one takes, the reprimands one give – all will be through the vision spectacle, the big picture, and long term glasses. It takes a bit of discipline, learning and unlearning to move from the disintegrated boxed in thinking to integrated holistic thinking. How does one learn – from the Master, who, were ever he went, aligned his interventions, teaching and discussions to the big picture and purpose of coming …a bit of careful reading of his life and life style is a good training and learning tool!

But timing is another issue. When will we see the vision being fulfilled, when will things start to turn around, when will people change? For a professional trained to diagnose and treat, results have to be visible and tangible within a stipulated time. If a surgeon, faster! With “eternity in our hearts” spiritual as we are, do we wait till eternity for things to change? That also raises the question – whose is in control of the timing – of lasting changes we want to see – am I in control? Who holds the timing of change? If “visions which God gives you, are beyond your own time lines” – will we complacently wait? Or push for people to change within the time lines we set? Or give up feeling one has failed since things are taking time to change? Remember – Jesus left the world perceived by the world as a failure! But his followers turned the world upside down!

Paradoxes one has to live with – understanding that many a times we are not in control of change – we are only facilitators of the process!

At best – what we are in control is – the process of developing, communicating, supporting, facilitating and setting up systems to keep up the momentum of the vision journey we are part of. In this journey – we can definitely put time lines and deliverables for the process and some tangible outputs. 

But in the midst of this it is important to hold on to few facts – One – We cannot change people – either they change themselves or God changes them, and people are key to vision! Two – We are part of a larger, longer and lasting change – and we need to faithfully play our part. We need to keep returning to this daily. Three – the groaning we go through as we wait for change to happen is part of a larger groan – the creation which groans for redemption and change (Rom 8). And there is someone who groans along with us, interceding for us with wordless groans – the Spirit of God. (Rom 8)

And so when we groan and struggle together – there is the definiteness of lasting change in the fullness of time. Because there are greater forces working along with us....

And so timing is “fullness of time” – what does this mean anyway? Something to consider later….


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