Changing cultures
A culture change is quite evident
these days, if you are following the print media and the tele media
There is a culture of reactively responding with abusive voices and violence at will, if any one acts or against a promoted ideology or a perceived human idol even! Many of these ideologies and idols created out a certain perception, relevant not to the larger community, but to a section. There is a culture of promoting and positioning oneself as the best and the answer to all ills and problems, - whether it is Nation, religion, language, organization, or individual. There is a culture of intentionally polarizing and dividing, even to extend of hate campaigns if there is no alignment to the agenda of the so called promoted ideology or answers which are being promoted. There is a culture which encourages sacrificing of others for the sake of the greater ideology, culture or nation itself. And there is a culture of silently closing eyes, ears and mouth (like the three monkeys – see nothing, hear nothing, and speak nothing,) when these culture changes happen.
Can I see this culture protection happening in our nation? Can I be a culture protector….?
There is a culture of reactively responding with abusive voices and violence at will, if any one acts or against a promoted ideology or a perceived human idol even! Many of these ideologies and idols created out a certain perception, relevant not to the larger community, but to a section. There is a culture of promoting and positioning oneself as the best and the answer to all ills and problems, - whether it is Nation, religion, language, organization, or individual. There is a culture of intentionally polarizing and dividing, even to extend of hate campaigns if there is no alignment to the agenda of the so called promoted ideology or answers which are being promoted. There is a culture which encourages sacrificing of others for the sake of the greater ideology, culture or nation itself. And there is a culture of silently closing eyes, ears and mouth (like the three monkeys – see nothing, hear nothing, and speak nothing,) when these culture changes happen.
What happened to the culture in
which we were brought up or we were told to hold on to? A Culture of
“restraining yourself” – instead of reactively responding.
Respond based on vales of “unconditional love and acceptance” though we may
disagree with the issue at hand. We were told learn to live with the value of “We
agree to disagree agreeably” (WADA). A culture of repositioning one self, on
the side of not ideologies or perceived idols, but with people who are in the
margins of the society or those who are falling out of the cracks, to walk
along with them. A culture of submitting yourself for the greater good of the
vision one is called to see, the vision driven by values of love, faith,
compassion and hope of a perceived future, undergirded by these values. A
culture of sacrificing oneself if required, for the sake of the greater good of
the others instead of sacrificing others! A culture of voicing our concerns when
a culture change is evident.
Is it because the role models
those who “Restrained” “Repositioned” “Submitted” “Sacrificed” themselves and
“Silenced others with their life and values” are no more around for us to see and emulate?
Is it because we have not intentionally taught and reminded each other to align
ourselves to these greater values? Or because the focus has shifted from God’s purposes
for us as people, communities and Nation to our perceived selfish purposes?
Can we protect our culture from
losing its essence of greater values which it was supposed to have?
John Baillie writes - When each of us follow our calling to the maximum
of our abilities and to the full extent of our lives, living to the glory of God
and with an eye to our neighbour’s needs, we will start impacting
and protecting the culture in the context where we are kept. Os Guinness says -
Our task is to focus on our individual callings in engaging with the world, to trust
that others are following to and to leave the masterminding of the grand
outcome to God.
Can I see this culture protection happening in our nation? Can I be a culture protector….?
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