Continuing on power.....

The reason why alternative powers are costly is because, they are expected by the popular power to follow certain expectations and patterns. Being alternate, they usually do not follow these patterns or expectations, and this leads to conflict.

The way alternate power, ideologies and expressions emerge, is expected to align to the way the popular power emerged. With visibility, with the support of the known and “respected” of the society. It never or hardly ever follows that pattern or expectation. It usually emerges unknown and slowly picks up momentum, till it reaches a “tipping point” when it becomes visible. By then this becomes unacceptable.

The other expectation is that, whatever the ideology may be, one should show allegiance to the popular power and expectations of the same. As long as one shows open and public allegiance to popular power and ideology, whatever may be the initial alignment, one is left without being objected to. And this allegiance if is at an acceptable level, some differences in ideology are tolerated.

From allegiance, the next step in expectation is subservience. If one expresses allegiance, sooner or later one is expected to be subservient to the popular ideologies and powers. That is when the alternative ideologies are to be given up or kept out of the public domain. One is allowed to have a different ideology at a private level, but anything which is public has to be in line with the popular ideology and power.

History reveals that many who have not aligned, or shown allegiance or not been subservient, though they have been Nation and people lovers, had to face consequences and pay the cost.

A good example is Jesus himself. When he was born, the popular expectation was that he would be born in a palace as the son of the powerful. But he was born in a stable as the son of a carpenter and out of wedlock. And unlike teachers of those times, he moved around with those who were not too respected by the society. He was expected to live in allegiance to the religious powers of that time, but his allegiance was to a greater power and different  ideology. An ideology of love and service vs legalism. And this brought him in direct conflict with these powers. He was subservient to the laws of the land, (he paid taxes and Romans could not find fault with him!) but refused to be subservient to religious practices which were unjust and oppressing people. And he paid the price. But that price he paid, set in motion a movement which changed the world, one person at a time, one community at a time….through love...

Why was this possible? Because He was aligned from the beginning to a different pattern of life. His life was in allegiance to a higher call. He was subservient to a greater purpose, the transformation of the world through love and sacrifice.

This is what we are called for – Align to a different pattern of life, have a allegiance to a greater call and be subservient to the greater purpose of changing this world by being representatives of the one who called us – the creator and sustainer on this world and the Nation of ours….whatever it may cost us…..But through a life of love and submission and not arrogance and intolerance….

Am I willing to pay the cost?


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