
There are many kinds of people around us. One kind, who goes along with the flow. Where the current takes them, they move. They follow the current fads and flows. Where the popular opinion is, along with that they move. Where the Nation, the community, tribe, nationalism, economy, pluralism or any of the current “isms” move, they move along. It is an easy ride since the flow has been set by the dominant powers that be, and it is not too tough to flow along. And these people, I am not sure if they are in majority or minority, but are the most visible and respected by the powers. The Media and those voices “that matter”, talk much about them and they move up in the social ladder pretty fast. Because of that, they are in the limelight, whether they are majority or minority, they are the most visible.

Then there are those who stand in the shores and watch the flow. A group, who though are silent spectators of the flow, but in total agreement with the flow. The issue with them is that they are too busy with their own lives and issues, that they do not want to jump in. But little do they realize that, sooner or later, the flow will become too fast that they will be pulled into the flow. They are quite happy if that happens, and rather are wishing for the same. They secretly hope if someone would push them in, since they do not have the courage!

Then there are those who are in the shores, who are watching the flow, but are not too happy with the flow. They want to swim against the flow, but they are “wise”. Their wisdom tells them it is not good for them to swim against the flow. It is better to be silent spectators, though they do not agree with the flow. But little do they realize that there might come a day, the current will carry them off too. Their short sightedness of “being wise” may not support them in the long term.

Then there these others who have taken the decision to swim against the current. Usually they are a minority, but carefully watched. Since they are a minority they stand out. They also are generally ridiculed or rejected by the majority as trouble makers. And as the current flow increases they find it tough to go against the flow, but many of them are determined and have a stick-ability and tenacity. But, among them, there are some who start off and quit going against the flow, and either climb on to the shores or start moving along with the flow. But for those who continue in this challenging movement against the flow, the going will be tough. But as they keep moving they will start finding that they are becoming stronger and their strokes and becoming more powerful. The voices of ridicule or rejection, which used to disturb them no more disturbs them because they are listening to a different call and a different voice.

We have a model in our Master, who listened to a different voice than the majority one and lived a life of reverent submission to that different voice. And as He lived such a life of learned obedience, He was being perfected through the suffering which He faced. And due to this He became to source of salvation for many.

Today’s context calls for a minority who will swim against the flow. The flow of the many dominant forces….

Will I have the courage to follow in the Masters footsteps…. with the hope that as I swim against the flow, I will be taken forward in the path of being perfected, and somewhere in the process, a few might get the courage to swim alongside....


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