How shall one lead….

Every institution and or movements and its leaders have to ask this question – every now and then – what is our vision? What is that Big picture towards which we are steering the institution or movement towards? Unless this is consistently asked and time is set aside to pro actively reflect on this, as frequently as possible, we will lose our focus. We will lose the sense of direction and will become complacent in our daily tasks. Maintaining and running institutions and movements will become an end in itself. And this vision has to be relevant and contextual and defined and redefined based on emerging context and situations. (Clarifying vision)

If the question of vision is asked and clarified, the next task is to get the staff and other stakeholders to align themselves to this greater vision. This is not an easy task. This will need a core group of leaders who understand what the vision is, and are able to articulate the same in a way every staff under him or her can understand. And this also will mean that the leaders who are leading has to become servants to those whom under their care, come along side and help them to see significance of this vision, in the midst of the mundane tasks each staff is involved with. (Communicating vision)

Then comes the question of building people in line with this greater vision and creating communities of caring within the institutional frame work, an alive and living community, which will be more like a living organism, caring for each other, challenging each other to move towards the greater vision. Much will have to be done in building such communities of caring and communities which are willing to move ahead together. Groups will have to be formed in larger institutions where by no one is left out. Consistent thinking and planning has to happen how these processes can be institutionalised without losing the spirit of the same. (Community building)

But any such movement together needs systems and processes to support. Before we create process and systems, it is important to be clear about what values will guide these processes and systems. If these are not defined, there might be a conflict between the vision and systems.  Values which are in line with the overall vision has to be clearly put down and staff and the community has to be challenged to be true to these values. Again like the vision, these values have to be made succinct and clear and leaders should have the ability to communicate in a way this is understood. And leaders should be “living role models” of these values. (Values and role modelling)

Once the values are clarified, the systems and processes will have to be redefined and restructured to be in line with these values and the vision. There might be systems which need to be completely redone, new systems and process set up. This is important to that the managers who manage systems and the leaders who lead against the vision (who are keepers of the clarity of vision and values,) are pulling together in the same direction – in the direction of the vision. (Pulling together and aligning)

But this vision driven institution or movement have a few pre-requisites.

One – leaders who do not allow positions and roles to define them but use positions and roles to move the institution or movement ahead in line with the vision.

Two – a group of leaders who have the ability or willingness to see the greater vision.

Three – courage to change wineskin's for the new wine. Willingness to change even so called “Cast in stone” systems and processes if required! Our role is not to protect the old wineskin, and in the process destroy the new vine…but create new wineskin's filled with new wine…

Four – process of constant reflection, realigning and repositioning, which the leadership has to be committed to…. Supported by prayer…. Let Thy Kingdom come…


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