Sandwiched Saturdays
The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday is the sandwiched one.
Sandwiched between the sorrow of the loss and the resurrection the next day. A
friend of ours asked this question today. “In
some church traditions, today is called 'Holy Saturday'. It is mainly
remembered as the day where Jesus' body was in the grave. Many others believe
while is body was still in the tomb, His spirit was alive. For the disciples,
Jesus' mother Mary and other followers of Jesus it must have been a day of
silent mourning. They must have remembered fondly the experiences of the years;
must have been a day of fear. They were not expecting the resurrection... so
they were getting ready with the spices for the body. Wonder what they would have
done differently, if they had believed Jesus' words about His resurrection?”
Reflecting on this I was doing rounds on this sandwiched Saturday and
the day before. I realized that for most hospitalized people stay in the
hospital is like the Holy Saturday or the Sandwiched Saturday. An unexpected
illness has affected their lives and they are waiting around for a turnaround.
rounds in ICU was educative.
For the patient in bed number 1 with COAD, in ICU, it was a day when she
was being weaned out of ventilator and moving on to the wards, hoping for full
turn around in a day or two. But they were not keen to wait for a full turn
around, since finances were an issue. Not the hospital finances alone but the
all the supportive systems they need to take care.
But for another patient with the same illness in the next bed, that was
not to be. After being extubated, she was still quite unwell. The family after
much consultation, was deciding to wait for a day and then stop treatment and
take her home if she is not showing signs of a turn around. For them money was
not the issue, but the indefiniteness of the chronic illness , patient being a
lady, and bleak chances of a full recovery were the deciding factors.
For the next patient with a cardiogenic shock and on ventilator, there
was a fast and full recovery. The one whom we had thought, she may not make it,
did a fast turnaround in less than 24 hours. And it was not our treatment alone
that made the turn around! It was the invisible hand of God. This was a
blessing for them since they would not have been able to afford long hospitalization
In the next bed, the previous day we had a senior doctor from the town
with acute MI and pulmonary edema being ventilated. Having had a fast recovery
from the immediate issues, the family wanted a much more full and complete turn
around and had taken a decision to shift him to the best centers in New Delhi
as soon as possible, since money and connections were not issues. And their
faith was in the Health care corporate bigwigs in Delhi.
In the next bed, was a young lady with acute pulmonary embolism in shock
and on ventilator. By the end of the morning rounds she had died. The turn
around the family expected was not to be. All because of she undergoing a not so required
surgery in another center and being referred to us late in the illness with no
BP and feeble respiration.
And in the same bed couple of hours later, a patient with severe
Interstitial lung disease in heart failure was being brought in to ventilate.
He is still there waiting for a turn around. Having been to multiple small
centers all over the place, this was their last stop most likely. If a turnaround
does not happen, I am not sure if they would be able to take him elsewhere.
I can keep on writing more such events each day – any health care institution
will have many such stories. But the fact is that, in health care at contexts
like where we are, turn arounds are influenced not by the disease alone but
many other factors. Money, value for life, cultural and social expectations, health
care ethics, lack of alternative support systems all influence turn arounds.
I was reminded by the lady who recovered despite we giving up on her,
that in the midst of these factors, there is that invisible hand of God, who
promises us a full turn around if we wait on Him. A good reminder on this
Sandwiched Saturday. If I have the hope of resurrection Sunday, I will live
with the assurance of a turnaround tomorrow, though today seems bleak and other
voices tell me to give up!
How can I me the channel of hope in my daily contacts with people struggling
through sandwiched Saturdays?
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