The Breaking of the Fellowship.

The first book on Lord of the Rings, the story ends with “The Fellowship of the Ring” splitting up and all go their separate ways. Frodo and Sam go to MordorBoromir is killed, Merry and Pippin are kidnapped by the Urukhai and AragornLegolas and Gimli pursue them into Rohan.

For those who are new to this story, the “Fellowship of Ring” was set up to destroy the ring and protect the middle earth from being taken over by evil. In their journey, after leaving Lothlórien, the fellowship are rowing down the Anduin in the boats given to them by Galadriel. They stop at Amon Hen where they have to decide which way to go next. Opinion is divided on this as Boromir wants to pass through Gondor, the land of his people, which he thinks will be the safer option. Also, not understanding the power of the Ring, he thinks that Gondor would be able to use it and so have the power to overthrow Sauron. However, Aragorn is reluctant to lead the ring anywhere near Minas Tirith, as he does not trust Denethor and his men. While they are resting, Frodo walks off alone to sit beside the river and the Falls of Rauros. He is soon joined by Boromir, who talks to Frodo, giving him advice, although Frodo has already been warned by Galadriel that his friends will turn against him. Boromir's words become more and more aggressive, saying that the Ring should not be destroyed, but used against Sauron, and he asks Frodo to lend him the Ring. When Frodo refuses, he becomes angry and tries to take it by force, causing Frodo to put on the Ring, disappear and run away. After a minute he realizes what he has done and weeps, begging Frodo to come back, but Frodo is already far away.

Boromir is a good character to study. A few things stand out from his character. He felt that the “power of the ring” can be used for his own people and kingdom, than the common good of the middle earth! He underestimated the power of the ring and did not have the inner strength to protect him from “himself”!. He felt that halflings, his preconceived notions about hobbits – they are too poor a choice for such a big task and looked down on Frodo. His own self, perceptions, preconceived notions destroyed him and the fellowship

Amid this, the relationship between Sam and Frodo stands out as a beacon of light. If you don’t come back, sir, then I shan’t, that’s certain,” said Sam. “Don’t you leave him! They said to me. Leave him! I said. I never mean to. I am going with him, if he climbs to the Moon, and if any of those Black Riders try to stop him, they’ll have Sam Gamgee to reckon with, I said. They laughed.”



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