The Glass Wall

What you see here is the imprint of the body and wings of a bird who tried to fly through a glass. The glass which separated the room from   the world   outside, would have been invisible to the bird’s eyes. In a hurry to get to the other side, where   the   bird thought the grass is greener, there is more to life that what it is going through   today, there   might   be something   better   on   the   other side, it hit a wall. It did not even know that there was a wall. It was so caught up in desires and dreams that the wall was invisible. And the outcome-injuries, pain and an even a broken wing! It might be sitting   somewhere   on   the   tree outside nursing its wounds!

Is it not the picture of my life at times. Caught in my desires and dreams so much that I do not see the wall which is visible to others but not to me.  The world given to me is dull and I want the grass that is greener on the other side. And I hit the glass wall in my desires and urgency. I end up wounded and retreat to the world I am, in a corner, nursing my wounds.

I wonder how the story would have been different, if the bird had  sat on  the ledge, and tried knocking on the glass before trying to fly in. Or if it has asked others in his community about the wisdom of trying to cross over?  Or would have taken time to count the blessings of the life already given  to  it,  before desiring  for  more?

It was not taking a calculated risk but an irresponsible risk. Risking its own life blinded by desires and dreams.

Oh that I will enter through the gate that is the good shepherd, who wants to lead me into green pastures than try to fly through invisible barriers  and  get wounded


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