Don’t cry for me

 Don’t cry for me my mother

The mother of my motherland 

The mother of democracy

Mother who has forgotten her children 

I was once like my siblings 

Today I am to be abused and beaten 

My sisters raped and dishonoured

By my siblings with your silent consent 

You who tell your children 

Stories that are new to us

Stories that create enmity

To dehumanise some of your own

Don’t cry for me, with your crocodile tears

Tears shed to promote 

A falsehood that is evident to us

But camouflaged to others 

The tears of our pain seems in futile

But our tears of pain are heard

By the mother land and her Creator

Tears that will not be wasted  

We know truth will prevail 

Truth will set us free

Truth that will rise 

From the margins of motherland

Uprooting the falsehood 

Changing crocodile tears

Into tears of compassion and empathy 

Or blown away by the torrent of tears

We wait for that day….


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