Beach rambling’s

The most beautiful part of the beach is the cove. Protected by the rocks, there is a stillness in the water and the colours mesmerise you. Water is transparent and one can see the sand and what is in the water clearly. The safe space created by the rocks, the cove, is a reminder to me, to create such safe spaces amid the busyness of my life. 

Life is not always in these spaces or coves. At times it is like the turtle we watched. One that was trying to catch the right wave, to swim into the vast ocean of life. Caught in the wet sand but trying to swim into the ocean, it was being washed back by the waves, struggling to find a way forward in life. Despite coaxing and gentle prodding by a well-meaning friend it still was caught in the cycle of three steps forwards and two steps backward, at times even 5 steps backward. But then the next day, it was not there, possibly a wave lifted it into the deep sea, to grow into the full potential for which it was created. Because it persevered despite being washed back multiple times? 

But then some others do not get caught in this cycle of three steps and forward and two steps backward. The surfers have a way of moving forwards and rising above the waves. Because they have the stable surfboard on which they are dependent on. The light but strong board gives them stability, lift and forward momentum. A reminder to me, that even when waves hit, it is that stable foundation of God and faith in Him that will lift to me above the waves and move me forward. 


Those who use a small boat, move much faster, because in addition to the lift they get in the waves, they also row hard. It is that discipline of regularly and consistently rowing that keeps them moving ahead. A much needed reminder. It is not foundation of faith in God alone but nurturing of faith by disciplines of life that will keep me moving ahead. 


In every ocean, there are times, as in life, when clouds gather, sun sets, and darkness descends. Even that darkness descending is beautiful. There is a beauty of dusk and darkness that is difficult to explain. In darkness there are those lights that give us a direction, and hope. Every sun set is a reminder that the sun will rise again. The dusk will come, there will be night but there is a dawn awaiting.

The community with you even when dusk settles in and darkness comes in, helps us to celebrate when everything is dark and gloomy, and serves as reminder to the hope of dawn tomorrow. A community that transcends all cultures and borders and boundaries. Every language tribe and nation, who will one day celebrate not only the beauty of the creator and creation, but celebrating each other, the imago Dei in one anthers life.

At times it is good to find a rock, climb on to it an try to catch some fish, amid the waves that bring fish to the surface. Even storm and wave is teeming with life.  Fish, weeds, other living sea creatures mostly small and not easily noticed. Not all can see this, nor have the ability to pick up these from the stormy ocean. This is a picture of life too. Every storm is an opportunity to pick up pearls that float up amid the storm if we look out for these pearls and find a rock on which we can position ourselves.


But some of these sea creatures lose its lustre and beauty by being washed on to the shore. It is in sea and underwater they flourish and grow to the full potential and become beauty to behold. Once exposed to the sand and shore, it looses it colour. I wonder if putting it back into sea would it restore the beauty? Much like my life too, the sand of the world, the heat of the sun and being trampled upon by others makes me loose the beauty. I need to return to the waters that has the potential to wash me clean and restore beauty. 


There will be a day, when I will have to leave the beach and live with memories of the beach and that I enjoyed. But then there are these people for whom ocean and beach is their livelihood. Some who depend on the fish they catch for their daily sustenance. Others who restore the beauty of the beach daily. The marred creation that needs to be restored to the masterpiece each day, a mundane routine job, but one that could find fulfilment because she is part of the creator's purpose, of restoration. 


Like a temporary tattoo which will disappear after 2 weeks, (Offered at the beach) specific memories of the beach might soon vanish from my mind. But I return with this reminder. That the mundane routines of my life, is where I am being restored and cleansed, is where I am a channel of restoration and cleansing to others. I restore others not because of my restorative skills, but because the Holy Spirit that is within me. A spirit that cleanses me, through the waves that at times hit hard, other times gently flowing through my life and the consistent breeze that calms my soul. 




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