Community our nation needs...

It was early 70s. A batch of young boys grew up together over 6 years. A complex group of young boys who soon are together to be young men. People from various religion, life backgrounds, thought processes and desires and plan. Differences aside we grew together agreeing to disagree but agreeably. Moving away from each other in 1976, to pursue their dreams for life. The batch of 76. 

47 years down the line, the batch still the remains the batch of 76. We have grown in girth and BMIs. More knowledgeable and probably wise too. Many have made it well in life. Some may not feel that about themselves but have contributed much to the society. 

We remain the batch of 76, with many differences between us. Some frantically political, some apolitical, some deeply religious, others agnostic, some retired and enjoying retired like others still busy in their business of life. Some need spirits to keep the machines running, others prefer a spiritless life. Some with BP’s (Literally) others sweet in their blood, some ignoring the reality of ageing! Some crazy to try acrophobic activities, some more not willing to risk.


But for me joining the recent get togethers was an eye opener. We remain the same, batch of 76, with all our differences. Some might say we are all Mallus. Yes, we are, but some KMs, others NRMs yet others NRIMs, who look at life differently, but still one community. I was left with a few learnings as I joined this group, though a bit late in life. 

One - A sense of Community. In a context where we are being divided by nation, political allegiances, religion, caste, tribe, a community that does not consider differences as things to hold on to but commonality to be celebrated. 


Two - Community that is content. Many of us content in the little or more we have, either because as some of us see - God gave it, or as others see - fate directed us or we made it ourselves.  But still content. 


Three - Discontented community - There was a sense of discontentment too, with things happening around us. Some passionate about making a difference, others concerned equally. 

Four - A community driven by some basic foundational character and values. In a world that is losing its character and values, a community of people who live and role model lives of character. (A bit crazy too, to try things which some of us have never done in the past!)

Five - A sense of compassion - trying in our own small ways to help those not fortunate as us. Meeting our teachers and expressing gratitude for their contribution. Willing to see beyond our little and complex lives at the needs of others. Contributing to the school, and many others needs in our nation.

And not complaining much too! How did this happen? What made the difference? 

This was made possible by a few worthwhile leaders who keep us moving ahead, people who are discontent with context and who stimulate us with their passion. Of course, not to forget the good food and “spirits” and fellowship that nourish our bodies and heart.


Is this not what our nation needs too, such communities when our nation is going through deep divisions based on caste and religion? Leaders who will facilitate and grow communities that agree to disagree agreeably but celebrate the commonness of humanity? 

How good it is when brothers (and sisters) live in unity....


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