Internally or Intentionally displaced?

IDPs (Internally Displaced People) - a technical term to give some “respect” to displaced people. Such technical terms give some legitimacy to the common man for ignoring these numbers. Intentionally or by ignorance. Things that are too technical are not worth spending too much of time thinking about. 


But if you really look at these IDPs, a large percentage of these are “Intentionally Displaced People” by the powers that be for larger agenda’s which we will never come to know in our generation. History and media being in the hands of the powers that be, we in our generation might only hear what the powers want us to hear. The truth might never reach our ears.


If you talk to some of these displaced people, internally or intentionally, whatever way you want to see it, they are “homeless”. But we would never include them in homeless because that will skew our data and statistics! 


Humanity and leadership have developed ways of technicalizing these terms and hiding numbers by reclassifying so that the consciousness of the common man (and me) is protected from undue pain and confusion. 


See no truth, hear no truth or speak no truth has become the dominant narrative of our times, whereas a few decades back it was speak, hear or see no evil. Those who are  thus blind, deaf or mute are rewarded. Thos who see, or hear, are expected to be dumb.  

Recently speaking some intentionally displaced people one young professional with tears in her eyes said this “I dream of my home where I grew up. Every now and then I get up with these dreams, interspersed by nightmares of running away with a mob trying to kill us. I may never see my home again. I am apolitical - I was only bothered about my work and studies, but even I know that this was intentional by someone behind all these”.


Whether you like it or not, this is what the data tells us “India records some of the highest numbers of internal displacements in the world every year, the vast majority of them triggered by disasters. The scale of displacement is a result of the country’s exposure to intense and frequent hazards, its large population and socioeconomic vulnerability. In 2022, the number of disaster displacements reduced by nearly half compared to the previous year, totalling 2.5 million.” 

But then the intentionally displaced increased! 

We might say since we are almost 5th of the world population, our numbers will be high. But each of these “numbers” represent an individual his or her family, lost homes, opportunities life changed for them for ever! 


The mid-year update of the IDPs, of the 10 nations, stories from our nation is there too. The large number being the intentionally displaced and home less!


When will our “powers that be” or media or me as a common man open my eyes to see, ears to hear and mouth to speak about these truths and evil that perpetuates these displacements I wonder?


Reading the good book, I came across this picture today. “When I was thirty years of age, I was living with the exiles on the Kebar River. On the fifth day of the fourth month, the sky opened up and I saw visions of God. (It was the fifth day of the month in the fifth year of the exile of King Jehoiachin that God’s Word came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, on the banks of the Kebar River in the country of Babylon. God’s hand came upon him that day.)”

A community in exile is visited by God, in the 5th year of their exile! A hope that even though neither the powers that be, nor media see, there is a God who sees! 

To see as God sees and partner with Him - I wonder what does this means to me today.


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