Foggy days....

I love foggy wintery mornings and nights in Delhi. There is a mystical and eerie feeling in such mornings and nights. I suppose this may be true for others like me too, who works from home mostly. For those who get out to work daily, foggy mornings and evening is not easy, rather disruptive. 

Even driving in foggy roads, has its own charm. (As long I am not driving!) There is an adventure to it. It is enjoyable. Roads that are hardly visible, faint lights all around, moving at a snail's pace, and time stands still since you cannot move fast. 

But then for those who are travelling it is a night mare. Delays, disruptions and cancellations are common. 

Couple of days back, we had a family who was to come from Chennai to Delhi to stay with us for a training, but flight got canceled. They quickly made alternative plans to turn the training into an online one, and went ahead and did what they were expected to. What we missed was their company and fellowship.

Same day another family stranded in the airport landed up at home. The husband commented - "Normally I get angry and upset with such delays and disruptions, but something told me, there is a purpose. May be it was to spend away with you". A positive way of looking at disruptions. 

Same time we got a call from family in USA, whose friends were stranded at Delhi Airport. 12 hours in Delhi, finally managed to get a flight after 12 hours. 

There is a family member, who was flying out of Mumbai, who lost his connections and landed up at home in USA after a 40 hours detour!. Fog in Delhi has impacts beyond Delhi too! 

Is this not the reality of life too. Seasons of fogs are not uncommon in life. Where visibility is poor, way ahead is unclear and uncertain. 

Experts say we live in a BANI world. Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear and Incomprehensible world, post Covid-19 and with ongoing wars. So the whole world seems to be fogged out this season. It was VUCA a decade back, VUCA was a complicated world. BANI is a complex world

"Complicated problems (world) can be hard to solve, but they are addressable with rules and recipes, like the algorithms that place ads on your Twitter feed. They also can be resolved with systems and processes, like the hierarchical structure that most companies use to command and control employees. Complex problems involve too many unknowns and too many interrelated factors to reduce to rules and processes." the-critical-difference-between-complex-and-complicated

And for many life is disrupted, life plans are delayed, and some plans have to be cancelled too. And fog in my life affects those around me too! A complex world and season of life! 

But then, some see life fog realted complexities as opportunities! Some consider fog related complexity as something to bite through! Live hoping for TTWP. "This Too Will Pass". Others like me enjoy fog by staying inside, not willing to venture out! 

But seasons change for all. Two days later - today this is what Delhi is like. Because there is one who holds the seasons in His hands. And offering a light in the fog! Making way even in foggy days.....


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