I want to be a "Meerkat"

The question of living relevant lives in the era of runaway tractors is a challenging question to answer. (Read  this before continuing further) 


Most days, I find myself behaving like an ostrich. “The ostrich effect, also known as the ostrich problem, is a cognitive bias that describes how people often avoid negative information, including feedback that could help them monitor their goal progress. Instead of dealing with the situation, we bury our heads in the sand, like ostriches. This avoidance can often make things worse, incurring costs that we might not have had to pay if we had faced things head-on.” 



On other days, I feel like a meerkat. The meerkat effect is defined as sticking its head up to look around whenever something might happen, in hyper vigilance, but then digging a tunnel and hiding. Their theme song is “Dig a tunnel before the hyenas come.”

What I aspire to be is like a fossa, at least in its watchfulness! The fossa is active during both the day and the night and is considered cathemeral; activity peaks may occur early in the morning, late in the afternoon, and late at night. It carefully watches the context for potential opportunities. Unfortunately, the fossa is an endangered species, much like discerning humans! https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/fossa


What does it mean to be relevant, discerning, and watchful while being engaged in potentially runaway tractor-like situations?


The technology of intelligence: How can I equip myself, embrace, and empower myself to be tech-savvy, while at the same time, learning and understanding the boundaries within which I should use technology and intelligence?

Understanding “ne plus ultra” — "no more beyond." (This is famously said to have been inscribed on the Pillars of Hercules at either side of the Strait of Gibraltar, in part as a warning to sailors not to travel beyond the edge of the known world.) 

The technology of Life – Synthetic biology and growth in genomics. How do I recognize and differentiate between “Redeeming and restoring the masterpiece of God’s creation” vs “Changing design” and draw boundaries? Equip myself to grow in the knowledge of these?


In the context of self-promoting, perception-managing, and nationalistic political and other leadership across the globe, how do I role model “servanthood” as lived out by our Master? Love my nation but love people of all nations, with no boundaries? At the same time, be wise in understanding the designs of the oligarchs!


How can I, in my own small spheres, protect and preserve our home, the earth, and encourage each other to care for the planet? Simple and small ways may be but still a drop in the ocean!


In the context of confusing identities, gender, multiple and personhood, how can I affirm life-giving and flourishing lifestyles and choices? How can I live a life of unconditional acceptance for people who are challenged while holding on to values that are close to my heart?


Too confusing! It is much easier to be a meercat these days. This is my comfort zone!

But I hope I will be like a fossa...


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