Violence of Love...

Sixty-five nations around the world are currently in a familiar season that recurs every 4 or 5 years. These periods are characterized by distinct patterns, which can be summarized as the ABCD season.

A – Assassination: During this time, assassins metaphorically roam about seeking ways to assassinate people's credibility and character, particularly those from opposing camps. The powers in authority utilize all means to achieve this, while those without power often voice their concerns, hoping to be heard. Fake news and media manipulation are rampant, aiming to sway the masses through distorted information.


B – Benevolence: Every leader portrays themselves as benevolent, showing care and compassion, especially towards the less fortunate or those whose allegiance they seek. Stories of their sacrifices for community betterment abound, and there's a noticeable flow of funds in various directions.


C – Confusion: The general populace and communities become understandably confused amidst these dynamics. This confusion is often orchestrated by manipulators to steer people towards aligning with louder and seemingly credible voices. However, many fail to realize the underlying truth amidst the chaos.


D – Destruction: Relationships among communities that once coexisted harmoniously are now torn apart, pushed to align with specific groups. Even within families, there's a reluctance to agree amicably, leading to deep divisions that may take generations to heal.

This cyclical pattern repeats every few years, depending on the nation, and is commonly referred to as "Democracy." This ongoing cycle has led to a growing global discomfort with the traditional notions of democracy.


In such times, the fundamental principles of loving one's neighbour seem to fade into the background, replaced by a climate of animosity towards perceived enemies. This calls for a new paradigm – the "Violence of Love," as articulated by Oscar Ramarao.


“The violence we preach is not the violence of the sword, the violence of hatred.  It is the violence of love, of brotherhood, the violence that wills to beat weapons into sickles for work.”


As Ramarao eloquently puts it, "I don’t want to be an anti, against anybody. I simply want to be the builder of a great affirmation: the affirmation of God, who loves us and who wants to save us."


To truly embody this "Violence of Love," one must seek personal transformation and salvation from self-destructive tendencies, striving to live out love and affirmation in a world often overshadowed by discord and division.


I need to be saved from myself, to live out this “Violence of Love” …


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