A prayer
As the house was being swept today, I noticed a few things. There was quite a bit of dust around. There were feathers, leaves and other particles that had flown in from outside. There were some reasons for this. Some how the daily cleaning could not be done because the helper was away. We were busy with work and other aspects of life that there was no time to do this required cleaning work on a regular basis. There were also the issues related to the positioning of the house. The house is in the corner of the building, which is good in terms of freedom, open verandas etc. but there is more chance of dust and other things blowing in. In addition, we had left windows and doors open most times, that attracts more dust to come in. As it was being swept, I realized there was more dust being added on by broken pieces and particles from the broom. The broom possibly was not one of good quality. The dust increased as the broom went into the recesses and hidden areas under the fur...