

There are many kinds of people around us. One kind, who goes along with the flow. Where the current takes them, they move. They follow the current fads and flows. Where the popular opinion is, along with that they move. Where the Nation, the community, tribe, nationalism, economy, pluralism or any of the current “isms” move, they move along. It is an easy ride since the flow has been set by the dominant powers that be, and it is not too tough to flow along. And these people, I am not sure if they are in majority or minority, but are the most visible and respected by the powers. The Media and those voices “that matter”, talk much about them and they move up in the social ladder pretty fast. Because of that, they are in the limelight, whether they are majority or minority, they are the most visible. Then there are those who stand in the shores and watch the flow. A group, who though are silent spectators of the flow, but in total agreement with the flow. The issue with them is that

Thinking aloud multiple things...

I was in another country for a week, visiting some Medical professionals and students. I am putting down some random observations from this country, which has been a learning experience for me. The city where I stayed most of the time, has the highest population density in the world. In the midst of the mostly crowded roads and rows of old buildings, and dirt and waste products lying all around (like any other city, in this region of the world including our own,) one would see large, new buildings heavily guarded and protected. These stood out in stark contrast from other buildings around, both in terms of their architecture, size, walls of protections around, security and other aspects of appearance. These were specially set up as 100% export factories, where garments and other consumables are being produced to be exported to the developed nations in the northern continent.  As one drove through these roads, you would find, early in the morning, ordinary looking people, (Aam Aadm

Losing it....

The question I am asking my self is, “Have I lost it” or “Am I losing it”?  All around we are finding situations where people, countries, communities are losing it. Losing the Meta Narrative the Momentum the Looking out the Looking Ahead etc. From being a world, community and people who were slowly moving from Tribal to Global, Local to Glocal, Narrow life perspectives to a greater perspective, regional to national, national to world as the platform, things seems to be changing fast. We are being forced to think again back to our tribe, our family, our lives, our faith community, our Nation etc. Slowly boundaries are being redrawn, lines are being put down, limits are being clarified, and attitudes are changing. This is visible at all levels, whether it be National or individual lives! Some of us are at ages, having been or broader platforms, find it easier to wind down to a more limited and narrower sphere of engagement. The context has much to do with this. There is the pr

Three conversations...

These are summaries of a day long conversations which I had yesterday as some of us travelled into Hitauda, Nepal, a small town 60 km from the border. Conversations with people whom I met, the vehicle drivers, friends, myself and with God (I presume He was listening into my un-uttered conversations too)! We left the campus at about 7:15 AM and walked over the border – closed to vehicles because of the blockade by the Madeshi’s or Indian immigrants in Nepal. At the border – on the bridge which is the so called “No man’s land” – (both countries say it is not in their jurisdiction ad so they cannot do anything,) there were tents which are supposed to be occupied by the protestors. But it was empty. There were a few young men, trying to make people who were walking across donate to their cause. No vehicles are allowed by the Indian side to cross, saying that border is closed. Other than Bikes and Ambulances! Tongas, Rickshaws, and Tuktuks, wait on either side of the bridge to pick up

ABCDs of Failure

As one looks around and reflect on nations, kingdoms, corporations, leaders and powerful people and families, and even faith based communities, one starts seeing a trend of behaviour. They – (we) come into a position of power or influence and soon start thinking that we have “earned” it. Though it is evident for all to see that this was not an earned identity but a bestowed one, we start believing that we have earned it by our own ability and might. And this leads to an A rrogance. Whether it is based on position, knowledge or even character it does not matter. But an arrogance derived out of sense of having earned it by our effort. This A rrogance if untamed, leads to B elittling others. All the others are seen as insignificant and only seen as instruments to be used for their own good, or at best, an irritation. This comes out of a feeling of we are the “ B est”, and all the others are far below our standards. If faith based, we look at from Holy vs Unholy, sinner Vs Saint perspect

Politically reflecting...

I am generally apolitical by nature. I do read political stories and news in a very cursory way, to get an idea of what is happening across our Nation and the world. But a few events which evolved and are still evolving in the communities around where we live opened my mind to a different perspective through which I should look at the world and what emerges around us. One was the “Indo-Nepal standoff” which is still an ongoing issue, that has impoverished a nation and put its citizens to almost three months of lack of basic resources for daily life. As one reads through the news from both these nations, we see conflicting reports. One blaming the other, and each trying to wash its hands off from the issue, and passing the buck to the other. But the reality is clear for all those who live close to the ground to see. It is all about, how the bigger and powerful wants it way, and how it expects the smaller and weaker to respond. It is all about years of consistent bullying by the strong

Living in the midst of a “Hypocritical generation”

One of the challenges of living today is – surviving in the midst of blatant hypocrisy. As one looks around, whether in the political scenario, global scenario, faith based communities, family lives and individual and leaders lives, we find this open divide. A divide between what they speak and what they do. A divide between their personal lives and public life. A divide between what is expected and what comes out in life. This has become more of a challenge since self-promotion and covering what is not worth promoting is seen as acceptable, at all levels of interaction. When hypocrisy becomes an accepted way of life, one is faced with some complex questions. The question of giving up on the context. The question one would struggle with is, shall I give up on the context where I am. You are in one context and you see lives which do not match up to your standards or values which the community you are part of expects, (especially in the lives of people you look up to or in leadership,