
Moth eaten Spirituality….

Moth eaten appearance is classically defined for Bone Tumors in X-rays and is described as “Areas of destruction with ragged borders”. This sign in X-ray implies more rapid growth of probably a malignancy. The common bone tumors which have such appearance are Myelomas, Metastases, Lymphoma and Ewing’s sarcoma. In Medicine, this is dangerous – the signs denote a rapidly advancing Malignant Lesion, which could potentially reduce your life span. The literal meaning is - Eaten away by moth larvae or Old and timeworn: or Shabby; decrepit. In 1965 in a lab a mutation of mice occurred,. The   affected   mice   could   be   recognized   at   3   or   4   days of   age   by   patchy   absence   of   pigment   in   the   skin, and   later   by   patchy   absence   or   thinness   of   hair   that gave   the   mice   a   moth-eaten ...

Redeeming Tears....

Tears are of three types – the “Basal tears’ is the normal lubrication of the cornea and conjunctiva by ongoing secretion of tears, which keeps the eye moist, smooth and clean… The Reflex tears are those which are produced in excess than normal basal tears, when foreign bodies or dust particles come into contact with eyes, again a normal reflux mechanism to wash out the dirt. There are also the tears due to Infection or inflammation, which again, is way of washing out the bacteria and the infection by increased fluid production. But the one which is most well known is the “psychic tears” or emotional tears – this is called crying…if you do not know…! And this could be due to any emotion – the “Fright, flight and fight reaction (like when a dog jumps at you!) or sorrow and pain or even joy and happiness and excitement…And the cause is not the local irritation, but internal changes of Hormones which act on the tear glands and increase the fluid production…for what? To let others know ...

What gives life to the body?

The heart which pumps blood and keeps the “systems running “the metabolism happening, the cerebral perfusion maintained, and thus consciousness and reasoning alive….And heart continues to beat…one is alive… But if the “reasoning” and “consciousness” is not perceptible to the Medical professional either by “tests of brain stem function” or an EEG which is “flat” one labels the person to be “brain dead” or in “persistent vegetative state”…and more dead than alive…or rather dead but alive because the heart keeps the perfusion going on….Current definitions define death as brain death… Or if heart stops and if one is able to sustain the function through an extra-corporeal pump, and this keep systems perfused and running – is the person alive…Heart dead but function alive by mechanical support…” The fact that Science is a man made method of unraveling the creations mysteries, and as more mysteries are raveled, our understanding of “Death and Life” will also continue to emerge….! But if ...


What would a “Self with feeders transplanted to the Word” look like - ? A self in submission to the word: a self under the direction and control of the holy spirit; a holy spirit   which permeates into every nook and corner of our inner man – where self tries to have its way….a self which has no self…and self which is dead to self but alive in the sprit to God..

Treating Self….

The wisdom tooth – “the impacted ones” – are those who refuse to grow out the way it is expected to grow and function the way they are expected to…. The challenge of this is, it is usually quite tough to remove, the roots would have been deeply imbedded into the bone and one needs to cut into the jaw bone and extract this tooth….And if you leave this not taken out, it will continue to give constant pain and irritation and at times infection… Glioblastoma Multiforme (GM) – is a brain tumor, which is a has a peculiar quality in that it infiltrates into the surrounding brain tissues – and so the separation between the normal cells and the tumor cells is very difficult to delineate…and so any surgical excision of the tumor is likely to be incomplete – some of the cells are always left behind….and this leads to frequent recurrence..In most cases….and so only a partial excision is practical, one needs to treat this with Radiation etc….even this with not 100% results…recurrence does happen…...

The Natural and Supernatural Interaction

Continuing on the previous blog, the "Heart" interacting with the "Brain" challenged the disciples to set aside their "rationality" and take a step in faith -  with the "limited" natural resources they had - the 5 loaves and 2 fish and the "supernatural" happened...5000+ fed and 12 baskets surplus.... Supernatural happens when the limited resources we have is put to use with the heart of faith....and the brain subdued by the "living faith".....

The Brain Heart interaction….

The Brian and Nervous system functions as the “receiver” “perceiver” and “interpreter” of information. Also functions as the “planner” “controller” and “coordinator” of body functions. The brain also functions as the “informer” and “communicator” between the various organ systems of the body… The Heart and the vascular systems, provides life to the whole systems through the blood which carries the Red Blood cells as the “Oxygen carrier” and the energy provider through the support provider for the energy processing cycles…. But interesting is the “intricate interaction” between these systems….one is closely dependant on the other…heart controlled by the autonomic nervous system, the rate, the force and the rhythm is under the influence of the same. Brian – cannot function is the Blood supply and Oxygen does not reach the brain, through the heart’s pumping action…1 Is this not true in our lives too – we function both from brain and heart – from brain as “rational planners” and from t...