Am I a shareholder in my father’s house? Like the younger son, who felt he was a shareholder and was restless till he got his share, am I not also restless? The restlessness did not end with receiving his part of the inheritance. With inner restlessness he kept running. Till he ran out of energy to run. He was a rightful shareholder, and was potentially right in wanting his shares. But issue was his not what he wanted but what he was struggling with. His relationship with his father as a shareholder instead of being a son. Am I like a slave in my father’s house? Like the elder one who was also restless. He was restless, not because he wanted his rights, but he was full of strong feeling of resentment. Resentment emerging out of a deeper inner issue of identity again. He saw himself as a slave in his father’s house. And when there was a party going on in his father’s house, his true inner identify came out. He was good at masking his true identity with busy work and involvement in ...