
“Bipolar” men of God….and God’s messengers….

Read through the bible, the prayers and the cries of God’s men and God’s messengers – one thing stands out – they were “bipolar” - not that they had a “Psychiatric illness” but their mind and emotions would oscillate between “ecstasy” in the goodness and greatness of God on one hand at the same time cry out in despair and desperation due to various issues which were affecting their heart and mind… Jeremiah – one who was called and kept to bring Gods word to Israel in the book of Jeremiah 20 – says -   “God, you deceived me….your word brought be insult and reproach all day long….cursed be the day I was born….cursed be the man who brought by father the news of my birth…..why did I ever come out of the womb – as to end my days in shame…..the phase of depression……even to the point of giving up on life or cursing his own existence… Sandwiched between these cries of desperation and confusion in the same chapter you also see – Sing to the Lord, give praise to the Lord, for he rescues the li

If the salt loses its saltiness....

In Medicine - low Na is known as "Hyponatremia". There are three kinds of "Hyponatremia" - Hypovolemic, Euvolemic and Hypervolemic. In simple English - one where the body loses salt and wanter, one where body salt is normal, but there is a problem in distribution of salt due to hormonal issues and in the third situation, body water is more so that there is a relative reduction in salt. Let me take this one by one - Hypovolemic - where the body water and salt, both are reduced because of an inadequate intake or disproportionate loss like during diarrhea or excessive sweating.... A Depleted state.... Inadequate intake of "Salt" or "Kingdom values" due to a "Depleted state" of spirituality is not uncommon in our lives - in some seasons specially! How one need to guard oneself, not to be depleted...! Hypervolemic - where there is more water - and so the salt gets diluted in the increased volume and there is a relative Na loss - a

Spiritual dissociation...

Dissociation is defined as "partial or complete disruption of the normal integration of a person’s conscious or psychological functioning". This is one common understanding of the word dissociation. But in other situations in Medicine, the same word takes similar but lightly different meanings  One such situation is - "Albuminocytological dissociation" - where you expect for certain number of cells in the fluid surrounding spinal cord or brain (CSF) you  a certain level of Albumin - and if you do have no or few cells but increased levels of Albumin than what is expected for the number of cells - you label this as "Albuminocytological dissociation". One of the causes of this is - Block in the spinal canal and thus the fluid flow due to tumors....If you have such a situation - you need further investigation - scanning to delineate the tumor and surgical removal of the tumor... In life also we do see "Dissociation's" - the "Being-Doin

Brokenness and Leading....

How significant is inner brokenness in the life of a person who is called to lead..lead any thing - be it be a small group, an institution or a large organization.....Even leading a family.... If leading is fruit bearing - facilitating fruits being produced in others lives - pruning is key - which means - pain and brokenness is inevitable....? If leading is fruit bearing - facilitating fruits being produced in others lives - abiding is also equally important...? Pruned and cut branches but dependent branches....wounded and broken individuals, who are dependent on the source....?

Ethics and India....

A National Christian Bio-Ethics workshop is going on in Delhi. Senior professionals from Christian organizations are taking part in the same. Ethical issues like Abortion, Stem Cell research, Euthanasia etc are being discussed.... Bu the challenging question is - when one is faced daily with patients' family requesting us to take decisions based on "economy", "livelihood," "cost effectiveness," "value of non productive life," and many other social and cultural issues - what frame work can one use..... Biblical frame work - yes - but how does one in the "5 minutes left to take a decision" use these frame work...with those who have no idea of these frame work.... When basic amenities of life - Livelihood, food to eat, housing etc are the more stressing challenges of life....ethics of value of life...?


“In that day, each man did as he saw fit” – Anarchy – where “Authority was rejected” and “word of God was rare”…. The story of the world of today seems to be like this – like what was in Judges time in the history of Israel – the authority of God and God appointed leadership was rejected and the moral undergirding by the absolute moral standards through the Word of God was forgotten….and each person did as he saw fit in his own eyes…. How else can we interpret the “Norway killings, the Pakistan bombings and Mumbai bombings….Of course not to forget the “scams” in our own country….. Will our families, our communities be an alternative? Lives and communities which live not in “Anarchy” but under the authority of God and God appointed authorities and standards of the Word….

Delhi driving....

Driving in Delhi has its own challenges, especially if you are not a "Delhi Driver". How is a "Delhi Driver" recognized? Well that is for another time.... The challenge because, with the new flyovers and dividers, if you miss one turn you are stuck on a long de-route for the next few kms and hours....De-routes which lead you into lanes and by-lanes which you never anticipated to see.....But these de-routes open your eyes to a different world - one into which you were forced by circumstances...and you come out that de-route most of the time, refreshed and have had learnt a few lessons... Life also is like this - is it not..The de-route of Elimeleck and Naomi for a few years into Moab, was different but they gained a Daughter in law - Ruth who became a key figure in the genealogy of Jesus.... Mark Twain is his book the "Mysterious stranger" writes - paraphrased in my own words..."suppose Columbus had skipped the triflingest link (a de-route) little li